WIIAD? ### Chapter 56: Action Scenes!

 ### Chapter 56: Action Scenes!

"Ready! Three, two, one, action!" 

As the clapperboard operator ran off, the martial artists inside turned their heads towards the door. Tony and Wu Zhanlang walked in with a menacing aura, exuding an intimidating presence. 

Usually, film crews start with simple shots on the first day to let the actors get used to each other, gradually building up to more complex scenes. But Director Zheng Rui started with a bang, like playing a high-stakes poker game and leading with the best cards. 



The martial artists roared as they charged towards Tony and Wu Zhanlang. Just as they approached, Wu Zhanlang flew forward with a kick, sending one of them flying. Tony's moves were even more ruthless; anyone hit by his elbows couldn't get back up. 

The two of them took on over a dozen opponents without breaking a sweat. 

Hung Tai stood behind the director, closely observing everyone's reactions. He had choreographed the fight and needed to see how it played out in full to make any necessary adjustments later. 

Just as the two were fighting fiercely, Qi Lin made his entrance!

Suit, dress shoes, vest, tie!

Dressed in a suit, Qi Lin looked anything but gentlemanly; instead, he exuded a rough and tough demeanor, like a thug. 

With a calm expression, Qi Lin walked steadily, eyes fixed straight ahead, completely ignoring the extras writhing in pain around him, heading straight for Wu Zhanlang!

Wu Zhanlang was busy fighting a martial artist and didn't notice Qi Lin approaching from behind. Qi Lin didn't bother distinguishing friend from foe and kicked the martial artist in the back, sending him crashing into Wu Zhanlang and knocking both of them into a pillar!

The martial artist groaned in pain and fell to the ground. Qi Lin, with a disdainful expression, kicked towards Wu Zhanlang's neck!

Wu Zhanlang staggered back, trying to deflect the blow, but Qi Lin's next move came swiftly!

With his height and long legs, Qi Lin had a clear advantage!

He raised his right leg high, aiming for Wu Zhanlang's face. Wu Zhanlang tilted his head back to dodge!

These moves had been rehearsed, and Qi Lin executed them flawlessly, but Wu Zhanlang made a mistake!

He hadn't retreated far enough, and Qi Lin's kick grazed his nose, causing a sharp, burning pain. However, with adrenaline pumping, he didn't feel the full extent of it!

Qi Lin didn't give him any time to recover!

Missing his target, Qi Lin pivoted into a spinning kick, aiming for Wu Zhanlang's neck again. Wu Zhanlang heard a whoosh, and years of muscle memory made him protect his neck with his right hand. A powerful force struck him, sending him crashing into the water below.

Originally, Wu Zhanlang was supposed to do a plank to support himself on the water's surface, but Qi Lin's kick was so strong that his arm went numb, leaving him to support himself with one arm.

True to his nickname as a tough guy, Wu Zhanlang managed to hold himself up with one arm.

"Cut! That's a wrap! Everyone okay?" the director shouted, and the crew rushed to help Wu Zhanlang.

"Brother Wu, are you alright?"

"Wow, Brother Wu, you're amazing! Supporting yourself with one arm, I would've fallen in for sure."

Hung Tai walked up and patted Wu Zhanlang's arm. "Nice! That one-arm support looks even better than the two-arm plank. Great adjustment!"

Wu Zhanlang smiled wryly, rolling up his sleeve to reveal a dented arm guard. 

"I didn't mean to adjust. That brat Qi Lin kicked me so hard my arm went numb, I couldn't react."

The air around them fell silent for a moment, and then everyone's eyes turned to Qi Lin, who stood nearby, seemingly unfazed, getting his makeup touched up by Li Yue.

At just over 1.6 meters tall, Li Yue struggled to reach Qi Lin's face unless he bent down. 

Noticing the odd looks, Qi Lin asked in confusion, "Why are you all staring at me? Did I mess up the moves?"

Wu Zhanlang grimaced. "You brat! Why'd you kick so hard? At this rate, you'll send me to the hospital in a week!"

Qi Lin, looking innocent, replied, "Brother Wu, you told me to go all out! You said to give it my all in the scenes!"

Wu Zhanlang smacked his forehead. "I said to give it your all in acting, not to really hit me!"

Some crew members couldn't help but laugh. Even Director Zheng Rui had to stifle a chuckle at Qi Lin's innocent expression. 

The set doctor checked them over, ensuring no serious injuries before leaving. Filming resumed, and Qi Lin switched from his innocent demeanor back to the ruthless suited thug as soon as the clapperboard sounded again.

Wang Xiaohua watched Qi Lin in his suit from behind the camera, already planning how to market him. She wasn't sure if the movie would be a hit, but she knew her artist would definitely stand out! She'd already come up with a nickname: "The Suited Thug!"

Just this one scene took four days to shoot! Though it seemed slow, for an action film, it was quite fast. The quality of the footage was high, keeping a smile on Director Zheng Rui's face throughout. 

But the cost was that all three actors got minor injuries. Qi Lin pulled a thigh muscle, making walking painful unless he moved carefully. Wu Zhanlang teased him, only to end up injured himself later, banging his waist on a railing. Tony, meanwhile, escaped with just some bruises.

Their dedication impressed everyone on set. Such commitment was common twenty or thirty years ago but was rare in today's industry.

After ten days of filming, Qi Lin had finished most of his fight scenes, leaving mainly dialogue scenes, which were easier to shoot. Director Zheng gave him a three-day break to rest and recover. 

Qi Lin wanted to visit the Hong Kong mall, but then he learned they were heading to Liu Tianwang's set for a cameo!

Qi Lin felt like a workhorse being exploited by the company until Wang Xiaohua said something that changed his mind.

"One hour of filming, fifty thousand Huaxia currency!"

Qi Lin's mood instantly lifted, filled with energy!

"Sister Hua, let's not waste time. We shouldn't keep Tianwang waiting!"

Wang Xiaohua smiled. Her little brother truly was... unwavering in his original aspirations.


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