ROSGT ### Chapter 55: Wolverine Game Studio

 ## Volume 1

### Chapter 55: Wolverine Game Studio

In the apartment, Ye Chui explained the storyline of *Street Fighter* and the more refined arcade fighting system. When they heard about features like special moves, light and heavy punches, defense, health bars, and time limits—elements that *Kung Fu* didn't have—Fang Xi and Fang Nan, who had initially been skeptical, both brightened up.

"Special moves?" Fang Nan asked excitedly. "How did you come up with that? It's like the ultimate moves in martial arts films. Just thinking about it is thrilling! And with defense and health bars, it would definitely be more fun than *Kung Fu*!"

Fang Xi also got excited, forgetting his frustration over Jian Fan's betrayal. "Fork Bro, have you already thought of everyone's special moves?"

"Heh, I have some ideas." Ye Chui smiled. In fact, he had more than just ideas. Unlike *Kung Fu*, *Street Fighter* was the first arcade game Ye Chui had ever been truly obsessed with. Back then, he spent almost every weekend day at the arcade, and he still remembered the special moves of several characters vividly.

Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Guile… these characters were deeply familiar to him. Although he couldn't remember all the background details, he definitely remembered how to perform their moves and specials.

"It seems interesting," said Bai Miyun in a calm voice. She remained in the shadows of the staircase, showing no intention of coming closer, but her words indicated a strong interest in Ye Chui's description of *Street Fighter*. "I'll do my best to help complete this game."

"That's good." Ye Chui glanced at Bai Miyun and continued, "We need to add some things to our previously developed Arcade 1.0 system, such as special moves and light and heavy punches. I'm not very good at programming, so I'll rely on you. Can we finish it in a week?"

Hearing this, Fang Xi and Fang Nan tilted their heads in thought.

But Bai Miyun confidently said, "No problem, we can do it."

"Good," Ye Chui nodded. He didn't know much about Bai Miyun's skills, but in his chats with Fang Nan and Fang Xi, he'd often heard them praise this mysterious girl. He was sure her skills were much better than theirs.

Since she guaranteed it, Ye Chui felt reassured. 

As for character designs, which are usually one of the most critical aspects of a game, they weren't a problem for Ye Chui. 

So, the studio officially decided to start developing *Street Fighter*. However, there was another important issue to resolve.

After exchanging glances, Fang Xi said to Ye Chui, "Fork Bro, this studio was originally established by Jian Fan and named Jian Fan Studio. Now that he's been fired, we need to reestablish the studio, including its name and leadership. What do you think?"

"Well…" Ye Chui looked at Fang Xi, Fang Nan, and Bai Miyun in the shadows. Their intentions were clear, so Ye Chui didn't hesitate. "I'll be the studio leader from now on."

Fang Xi, Fang Nan, and Bai Miyun all nodded in agreement.

"As for the name, let's think of one together. Just calling it Ye Chui Studio might not sound good," Ye Chui continued.

"How about Fork Professor Studio?" Fang Xi suggested immediately. "I think that name is pretty good."

"Or maybe Fork X-Men Studio?" Fang Nan added, thinking of the company Ye Chui and Zuo Xiaoyou had set up.

But Ye Chui shook his head, unsatisfied with these names. 

When he uploaded *Lian Lian Kan*, he had casually used the username Fork Professor, mainly to test if games would work in this world. Now that he was officially setting up a studio, there was no need to continue using such a casual name.

Ye Chui believed that naming the studio deserved careful consideration. However, he couldn't come up with a good name. He looked to Bai Miyun for help, but she declined, "I'm not good at this. You guys decide."

"The name needs to be bold and flashy, something that stands out," Ye Chui pondered aloud.

Fang Nan agreed, "Yes, something that makes it clear we're not to be messed with. I always disliked the name Jian Fan Studio; it sounded too weak."

"Indeed, that name was bad. Our new name needs to leave a strong impression," Fang Xi added. "I think it should include an animal, like a lion, tiger, or wolf."

"Wolf?" Ye Chui suddenly had an idea.

He was recalling cool names from another world, and Fang Xi and Fang Nan's suggestions sparked a thought. "How about Wolverine Game Studio?"

"Wolverine?" Fang Nan and Fang Xi repeated.

Bold! Cool! Fierce!

"This name is great. Let's use it!" Fang Nan was the first to agree, and Fang Xi nodded, thinking the name was fantastic. Bai Miyun's opinion wasn't necessary.

So Ye Chui's game studio was officially named Wolverine Game Studio.

Ye Chui couldn't help but smile wryly. In the end, they hadn't strayed far from the X-Men theme...

Wolverine Game Studio was officially established with Ye Chui, Fang Nan, Fang Xi, and Bai Miyun as its initial members. The studio's location remained the same, in Bai Miyun's apartment.

*Street Fighter* development officially began. The revenue distribution would continue as a percentage of profits: Ye Chui, as the leader, would take 55%, while Fang Nan, Fang Xi, and Bai Miyun each took 15%. Ye Chui also bore the risk; if the game didn't sell well, he would continue to pay their salaries.

Ye Chui wheeled himself over to Bai Miyun and asked, "You have the records of Jian Fan's contacts with Wang Zhaoming. Can I see them?"

According to Bai Miyun, Jian Fan not only secretly handed *Kung Fu*'s design documents to Wang Zhaoming but also stole many "ideas" from Ye Chui.

Ye Chui often casually mentioned things while chatting with Fang Xi and Fang Nan. While these were offhand remarks for Ye Chui, in this world, they could be goldmines. Ye Chui had to be cautious.

Bai Miyun nodded and pulled up a document on her light brain, transmitting it to Ye Chui.

As Ye Chui browsed the records, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Fork Bro, what's up?" Fang Xi asked curiously.

"Heh, it's nothing. I just find the ideas Jian Fan stole from me... quite interesting," Ye Chui laughed.

"Interesting?" Fang Xi was puzzled.

Ye Chui didn't know how to explain, so he just said, "I'm actually looking forward to seeing SB Company implement my ideas…"

For instance, the recent idea Jian Fan sent to Wang Zhaoming about arcade game equipment.

Arcade equipment was something Ye Chui couldn't get involved with, nor was it worth it. But if Jian Fan had shared this idea with SB Company, and they invested heavily in developing such equipment, Ye Chui could only thank them—because the best games to play on arcade machines were still *Street Fighter* and *King of Fighters*.


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