ROSGT **Chapter 48: Isn't This a Bit Too Ambitious?**

 **Volume 1**

**Chapter 48: Isn't This a Bit Too Ambitious?**

"Why don't we just buy this magazine?"

Hearing Ye Chui say this, Fang Nan and Fang Xi looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what Ye Chui meant. It took a while for Fang Nan to react, and she said in surprise, "Chui Chui, are you joking? This magazine is about to go bankrupt. If you buy it, it will just rot in your hands. Besides, buying a magazine just to publish your manga—isn't that a bit too much?"

Fang Xi also felt that Ye Chui's idea was too risky. "Even though I think the manga is great, buying a magazine just for it... that's going too far, isn't it?"

"Is it really too much?" Ye Chui asked confidently, smiling. "The bigger, the better. Fortune favors the bold. I've made up my mind: we'll buy this magazine and turn it into a professional manga magazine!"

"Why don't you start your own magazine?" Fang Nan asked curiously. "Although Tianwang Magazine is not doing well now, it still has a long-standing reputation. I'm afraid buying it won't be cheap."

"Starting our own magazine is possible, but there would be too many issues to handle," Ye Chui shook his head. He had just done some research and found that there were many intricacies in publishing a magazine.

First, he would need to go through various procedures at the Huaxia Cultural Bureau, establish contacts with printing companies, and build a sales network. These were all things that Tianwang Magazine already had in place.

What Ye Chui valued most was Tianwang Magazine's established printing and distribution channels. Besides, the magazine was about to go bankrupt, so how expensive could it be?

Ye Chui was confident that manga could definitely make money. Beyond that, he valued the synergy between manga and games. Successful manga often get adapted into games, and many manga fans are willing to spend money on games.

In another world, classics like Naruto, One Piece, and Dragon Ball had all made huge profits from game adaptations.

Initially, Ye Chui had Fang Xi draw Dragon Ball on a whim, without planning to invest much energy into it. But now, discovering that Dragon Ball couldn't even get published, and reading Comic Weekly's rejection letter saying, "Our magazine does not publish garbage," had enraged him.

He decided to make a big splash in the manga industry!

Coming from another world, Ye Chui knew that traditional comic books would eventually be phased out, while manga would grow into a significant industry worldwide.

Having made up his mind, Ye Chui acted quickly. Using the information he had found, he contacted the editorial office of Tianwang Magazine.

It took a full half-minute for the call to be answered.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" a sleepy, lazy voice asked. The magazine was on the verge of bankruptcy, and the staff were all demotivated.

"I'd like to speak to Mr. Chen Yongnian," Ye Chui said. Chen Yongnian was the current owner of Tianwang Magazine. Ye Chui had seen news about him wanting to sell the magazine and knew his name.

"You want to talk to our boss?" the drowsy voice said. "The boss isn't at the magazine right now. Call back later."

With that, the person was about to hang up.

"Can you give me your boss's contact information?" Ye Chui quickly asked.

"No!" The voice now sounded impatient. "If you have something to say, say it quickly. Otherwise, I'm ending the call."

Ye Chui was a bit irritated. Once he bought the magazine, the first thing he'd do was fire this guy. Calming himself, he continued, "I want to buy your magazine."

The lazy voice suddenly became alert. "You want to buy our magazine? I'll... I'll give you our boss's contact information right away."

"No need!" Ye Chui said coldly. "Just have him contact me."

With that, Ye Chui ended the call. He wasn't really angry, but maintaining the initiative and momentum in business negotiations was important. Being approached by the other party versus reaching out to them first made a significant difference.

After ending the call, Fang Nan and Fang Xi still felt Ye Chui was being too impulsive and decisive.

Fang Xi asked nervously, "Brother Cha, are you really planning to create a magazine just for manga? But... but even if we can, we only have Dragon Ball right now, and just 30 pages isn't enough for a whole magazine."

"That's easy. Didn't I tell you before? You know a lot of artists. Get them to work for me. I'll buy their drawings for 100 yuan a page, and I'll do the storyboards." Ye Chui answered.

He remembered the plots of various mangas. Drawing storyboards was easy for him; it only took him an hour to draw the 30 pages of the first chapter of Dragon Ball.

Ye Chui planned to start the magazine with just five serialized mangas, totaling over 100 pages. He would handle the storyboards and train new manga artists. Eventually, he would only need to provide ideas and storylines, leaving the rest to others.

"Chui Chui, are you really going to go this big?" Fang Nan said in admiration. "But this is a weekly magazine. Can you come up with that many stories?"

"Don't worry," Ye Chui laughed easily, using his best excuse. "I was bedridden for half a year, so I spent a lot of time daydreaming."

As for the five mangas to be serialized, Ye Chui already had an idea.

Dragon Ball would be one, followed by Slam Dunk and Yu Yu Hakusho—these were the three giants of 90s Japanese shounen manga.

Ye Chui recalled reading a news article that when these three mangas were serialized simultaneously, Weekly Shounen Jump's circulation reached an astonishing 4 million copies. When these mangas ended, the circulation dropped to 2 million.

Their influence was undeniable.

Of course, Ye Chui didn't plan to only use Japanese manga. Since manga didn't exist in this world yet, regional styles didn't matter. Besides these three, he would also include the Hong Kong comic Storm Riders.

The story of Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, with its traditional Huaxia style, would definitely resonate.

As for the fifth one... he'd serialize Batman.

Though he hadn't read Batman comics, he had watched many of the movies. Adapting the movie stories into a manga should be no problem.

The main reason for choosing Batman was that its game adaptations were also very successful.

With this lineup, the manga magazine would be a sure success.

Ye Chui was already looking forward to it.


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