ROSGT **Chapter 47: Why Don't We Just Buy This Magazine?**

 **Volume 1**

**Chapter 47: Why Don't We Just Buy This Magazine?**

At the studio, after Ye Chui and Fang Xi sent the manuscript, they waited eagerly for the results. They thought it would take at least two or three days, but surprisingly, the magazine's notification email arrived shortly after. The speed made Ye Chui's heart race. He instinctively thought that the novel format of Dragon Ball had impressed the editors at Comic Weekly so much that they urgently sent a response. It seemed the manga had caused a sensation.

However, upon opening the email, Ye Chui was immediately disheartened. "It's a rejection letter!" Ye Chui exclaimed. "And what does it mean by 'our magazine does not publish garbage'?"

The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. To Ye Chui, it was unthinkable that a masterpiece like Dragon Ball wouldn't be taken seriously. This result was hard to accept. Staring at the rejection letter's statement "our magazine does not publish garbage," Ye Chui gritted his teeth, feeling a burning anger.

Fatty Fang Xi looked gloomy. "Brother Cha, it seems this manga format isn't feasible."

"Do you think the manga you drew is good?" Ye Chui asked seriously.

Fatty Fang Xi thought for a moment and said, "I think it's very good, and I want to continue drawing the rest of the story... but if this format isn't accepted, there's nothing we can do."

"It’s okay," Ye Chui shook his head. "Let's try a few more magazines."

Dragon Ball being rejected by a magazine was something Ye Chui found hard to believe.

However, Ye Chui also realized a problem. Bringing things from another world to this one was not as simple as he had assumed. Although games had been accepted here, he subconsciously thought that manga would be equally well-received. Clearly, it wasn't that simple.

Jian Fan, seeing Ye Chui and Fang Xi's frustration, naturally felt smug and inwardly mocked, "I told you, there's no way this manga thing would be accepted. It's just trash!"

"Brother Cha, what do we do now?" Fang Xi asked again.

"Try submitting to other magazines," Ye Chui replied. With so many magazines out there, at least one or two should recognize its value, right?

However, reality taught Ye Chui that getting everyone to accept a completely new genre was not easy. In another world, Ye Chui knew a friend who wrote under the pen name Wu Jia Fei Ren. This friend loved writing novels but always got rejection letters. When they were together, Wu Jia Fei Ren often complained to Ye Chui about the variety of rejection letters he received.

Now, Ye Chui was experiencing the same frustration!

Over the next few days, various rejection letters came in one after another. Although they weren't as harsh as Comic Weekly's, they generally conveyed the same message: they wouldn't accept this novel format.

One magazine did accept it, but the offered fee was insultingly low.

In the comic book industry, the minimum rate was 20 yuan per page, which was the entry-level price for beginners. However, this magazine offered only 10 yuan per page. Even Fang Xi flatly refused this offer. No one would want to sell their hard work so cheaply.

"Brother Cha, there's another email..." One afternoon after lunch, Fang Xi checked the mailbox and spoke up. "This seems to be from the last magazine we submitted to."

They had almost exhausted all magazine options in the past few days, with nothing but rejections so far. Only this last one, called Tianwang Magazine, was left.

Ye Chui, feeling a bit nervous, walked over to Fang Xi. "Open it."

"Okay, Brother Cha." Fang Xi's chubby hand trembled slightly as he tapped the screen to open the email.

Fang Nan, who had been following the situation, also came over to look at the screen.

The email opened, and Ye Chui, Fang Nan, and Fang Xi all exclaimed in unison, "Huh?"

It wasn't a rejection letter, but it wasn't an acceptance letter either.

"Sorry, due to poor management, this magazine is about to go bankrupt and close. All submissions are being rejected. We apologize for any inconvenience."

That was the entirety of the email.

"What a pity..." Fatty Fang Xi's face fell immediately, but compared to the rejection letters, this kind of notice was somewhat less discouraging.

"Chui Chui, don't be disheartened. Dragon Ball is so good. Those magazines just don't have the vision. It's their loss, not yours," Fang Nan quickly comforted Ye Chui, fearing he would be demoralized.

However, when she looked at Ye Chui's face, she didn't see any sign of discouragement. Instead, he seemed deep in thought, with a gleam in his eyes.

Fang Nan was puzzled and asked, "Chui Chui, what are you thinking?"

"I just had an idea..." Ye Chui didn't answer Fang Nan directly. Instead, he quickly opened his optical brain and began searching online.

In today's networked era, almost everything could be found online.

Soon, Ye Chui had all the information about Tianwang Magazine at his fingertips.

Tianwang Magazine had a history of over a decade. It primarily published comic books and had once been very popular, featuring many high-quality comics. The magazine's circulation had once reached 500,000 copies. This was a highly successful number.

However, every popular magazine has its decline. Reportedly, the founder of this magazine passed away five years ago, and his son had no interest in running it. The magazine was sold to someone else, but the new owner didn't know how to manage it, leading to a continuous decline in sales.

Currently, Tianwang Magazine, which was a weekly publication, had a circulation of only about 5,000 copies. This number was far from enough to keep the magazine running, and bankruptcy was just a matter of time.

The owner of Tianwang Magazine, knowing it was beyond saving, had long since put up a notice to sell the brand.

The most important asset of a magazine is its brand reputation, which is an intangible asset. Next are the long-term partnerships with printing companies, distribution agencies, and other connections. Office space and staff are secondary.

The name Tianwang Magazine was valuable a few years ago, but now it was of no interest to anyone.

A thoroughly declining magazine was just a money pit that no one wanted to touch.

But at that moment, an idea in Ye Chui's mind grew brighter and brighter—

He looked up at Fang Xi and Fang Nan, then smiled and said, "Why don't we just buy this magazine?"


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