ROSGT **Chapter 46: Our Magazine Does Not Publish Garbage!**

 **Volume 1**

**Chapter 46: Our Magazine Does Not Publish Garbage!**

Hearing Fang Xi say that the first chapter of Dragon Ball was completed, Ye Chui's face lit up with joy. "Quick, let me see it!"

Fang Xi hurriedly handed a stack of drafts to Ye Chui.

Ye Chui browsed through them. Although he had already seen these drafts countless times before, seeing the complete version felt entirely different. 

He was reminded of the excitement he felt when he first saw the Dragon Ball anime on TV during his elementary school years.

Fang Xi's version naturally had some differences from the original, and some techniques didn't match Akira Toriyama's skilled and profound style. However, overall, the quality was very high, especially considering it was Fang Xi's first attempt at drawing manga. It was more than satisfactory.

After going through the thirty pages multiple times, Ye Chui looked satisfied. "Not bad. This is exactly the feeling I wanted."

"So, Brother Cha, what should we do next?" Fang Xi asked with a smile, feeling encouraged by Ye Chui's approval.

"Find a magazine to submit it to," Ye Chui replied.

He opened his portable optical brain's light screen and conducted a search on Qiandu, finding a few magazines that might publish manga.

As mentioned before, comic books were highly popular in this world, and there were countless comic publications.

After some searching, Ye Chui selected a magazine called Comic Weekly.

This magazine was a weekly publication and had the highest circulation among domestic comic magazines, with weekly sales reaching 800,000 copies. This was significantly ahead of other magazines in the same category.

Since Ye Chui intended to publish the manga, he naturally chose the best magazine.

He browsed through the magazine's submission guidelines and then told Fang Xi, "This magazine only accepts electronic submissions. You need to scan the drafts into digital files and send them to the magazine."

"Brother Cha, this is Comic Weekly. I've heard they are very strict with submissions. Do you think we stand a chance?" Fang Xi asked hesitantly.

"Have some confidence," Ye Chui said confidently.

This was Dragon Ball. How could it not be accepted?

Seeing Ye Chui's confidence, Fang Xi seemed to find some courage as well. He agreed and went to scan the drafts. Half an hour later, the drafts were converted into digital files.

Following Ye Chui's suggestion, the manga was credited as "Original by Professor Cha, Art by Lonely Seeking Slim."

Fang Xi then submitted the drafts to Comic Weekly.

In today's networked world, the review process was fast, taking only three days.

Fang Xi was a bit anxious. "I know some guys who have submitted to Comic Weekly before, but they were always rejected. I really don't know if we can make it."

"Don't think too much about it. Just wait for the results," Ye Chui reassured with a smile. "If this one doesn't work out, we'll find another magazine."

Ye Chui had complete confidence in Dragon Ball.

However, he soon realized how difficult it was to get everyone to accept the novel format of manga.


In the editorial office of Comic Weekly.

"Another new submission."

Editor Liu received Ye Chui's submission and casually opened it to browse through.

"Hmm? This submission... is a bit strange."

Comic books were typically a single image per page with some text descriptions. Editor Liu's eyes widened when he saw the novel format of manga.

His initial reaction was to reject the submission outright, but he hesitated and decided to look through it more carefully.

The more he read, the stranger his expression became. "This story is really interesting... It's based on Journey to the West but has its unique twist. This seems to be a long story, and I've only received the first chapter. By the end, Sun Wukong is about to start an adventure with Bulma. I'm curious about what they'll encounter next and what wish they'll make when they gather all the Dragon Balls."

"Xiao Liu, what are you mumbling about?" another editor asked.

"Xiao Zhang, take a look at this. It's quite interesting," Editor Liu said, handing the Dragon Ball submission to Xiao Zhang.

Xiao Zhang read it and his eyes lit up. "This... I've never seen a comic like this before, but it has a strong narrative appeal, and the story is very engaging!"

"What are you two looking at?" another editor asked.

"Xiao Liang, you should check this out too. This submission is really unique."

Soon, the entire editorial office, consisting of ten editors, had read the first chapter of Dragon Ball.

Eight editors praised it, finding the storytelling method novel and interesting, and supported publishing it in the magazine. The remaining two opposed it, arguing that it wasn't a proper comic and lacked artistic quality. Most importantly, they felt that adapting Journey to the West into a manga was a desecration of a classic.

The office grew noisy.

Finally, the commotion reached the chief editor.

"What are you all shouting about?" the chief editor asked, emerging from his private office.

"Chief Editor, take a look at this submission," Editor Liu quickly said. He had the right to present submissions to the chief editor.

The chief editor received the submission on his portable optical brain. After one glance, he frowned. "What is this? How can a comic book have these small panels in the middle? Who draws comics like this?"

"Chief Editor, I thought it was odd at first too, but this method creates a strong visual effect, and the story is very interesting," Editor Liu explained quietly.

"Interesting?" The chief editor snorted. "Our Comic Weekly publishes comics with artistic value. This Dragon Ball is not qualified. Reject it! And from now on, don't consider such nonsense!"

Editor Liu was anxious. "But Chief Editor, most of us think this submission is quite good..."

"We are Comic Weekly. We don't publish garbage!" the chief editor said angrily. "No more discussion. Send a rejection letter."

Editor Liu was disappointed, but he couldn't challenge the chief editor's decision. "How should I respond?"

"Tell them our magazine does not publish garbage!" the chief editor said coldly. He was very angry with the person who submitted Dragon Ball. Changing the format of comics was unacceptable, and submitting such a thing to his magazine was an insult!

"Alright..." Editor Liu nodded reluctantly.


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