ROSGT ## Chapter 45: Look at Him, Grinning Like a Cheshire Cat

 ## Volume 1

### Chapter 45: Look at Him, Grinning Like a Cheshire Cat

With the website temporarily on hold, Left Xiaoyou needed some time to fully develop it. However, she kept Ye Chui updated on the website and company's progress daily.

Several days passed quickly.

After more than half a month of development, the prototype of the fighting game engine was finally completed.

This engine's purpose was to handle the physical collision effects between two virtual characters. For example, if Character A punched Character B, Character B would feel the impact and take damage—this was the physical collision effect.

In Ye Chui's original world, using software like Flash, such effects could be easily achieved. However, in this world, it wasn't so convenient. The entire studio had been busy for half a month to develop just this prototype engine.

Ye Chui called this engine "Arcade 1.0."

He planned to gradually improve and upgrade the engine, adding features such as special moves, combos, and rage gauges.

Inside the studio.

Ye Chui and Fang Xi each controlled a virtual character, having them constantly fight. The simple graphics seemed rather dull to Ye Chui—just two little figures in a 2D side-scrolling scene, throwing punches and kicks like children's play, without even sound effects yet.

However, Fatty Fang Xi found endless enjoyment in it.

Simple controls, yet endlessly fun—that's the beauty of arcade fighting games.

More importantly, Fang Xi was controlling a female karate expert. Her every move was so enticing, making him feel an unparalleled sense of dominance…

Fang Nan stood eagerly behind Ye Chui.

Despite being annoyed by her brother creating such an impossibly voluptuous character—how could there be a woman with such a figure? Her own figure was already the epitome of sexy!—she was still captivated by the concept of fighting games.

Just by pressing a few keys, you could control a virtual character to beat another—wasn't that interesting?

"Chuichui, you take a break. Let me play." Fang Nan finally couldn't resist, licking her lips with her small, red tongue.

"Alright, you play." Ye Chui stepped aside from the light brain.

At this stage, the fight didn't even have health bars, making it rather dull for Ye Chui.

Fang Nan eagerly sat down in front of the light brain.

Soon, Fang Xi started howling—he was being utterly dominated by his sister, unable to fight back.

Ye Chui couldn't help but be amazed: "Nan Nan's hand speed is incredible. She could definitely develop into a pro gamer. But why does she give off such a strong tomboy vibe? Must be my imagination…"

"This game seems quite fun…" Jian Fan, sitting on the sidelines, suddenly looked pale.

He sensed trouble.

This game, even as a half-finished product, was so enjoyable that he couldn't resist wanting to play. If it were completed, it might become hugely popular…

The game's entertainment value wasn't any less than Lianlian Kan or Xiaoxiaokan!

Thinking of the income Ye Chui had earned from those games, Jian Fan's face turned bitter.

He suddenly felt that his month's worth of hard work for a fixed salary of 30,000 wasn't a good deal at all…

But now, it was too late to regret!

Just then, a series of beeps sounded, indicating a message on his portable light brain.

Jian Fan glanced at it, hesitated for a moment, then stood up. "I'm stepping out for a bit."

"Go ahead." Ye Chui waved without looking, his eyes fixed on Fang Nan. As a super pro gamer, he genuinely believed Fang Nan had a talent for gaming.

Jian Fan's face grew even colder. He was merely being polite by informing Ye Chui, but Ye Chui's attitude made it seem like he needed Ye Chui's permission.

Who was the head of this studio anyway?

Ye Chui had been in the studio for just over half a month but acted like he was the boss!

And Fang Nan and Fang Xi seemed to completely accept it…

Jian Fan gritted his teeth and stormed out.

"Ye Chui, you're just a guy with some good ideas. What's so great about that! And Fang Nan, you treat this cripple so well. I used to court you, but you ignored me. I'll make you regret it! And Fang Xi, that damn fatty…"

Jian Fan boarded a bus to the city, seething with resentment.

Arriving in the city, he took a taxi, stopping ten minutes later outside a restaurant.

He walked to the restaurant, seeing his target through the floor-to-ceiling windows—

It was none other than SB Expert, Wang Zhaoming!

After losing a bet to Fang Xi before the release of Xiaoxiaokan, Wang Zhaoming had to apologize to Ye Chui, seeking forgiveness. But Ye Chui directly refused, not even answering his calls recently.

Desperate, Wang Zhaoming remembered he had previously collaborated with Jian Fan's studio and still had Jian Fan's contact number.

So, he started contacting Jian Fan.

Over time, due to their common enemy—Ye Chui—the two gradually grew closer.

Wang Zhaoming even proposed a very tempting offer…

Initially, Jian Fan refused, but now he was completely swayed.

"I agree to your terms." Jian Fan sat down across from Wang Zhaoming and stated directly.

"Hehe, I knew you would."

Wang Zhaoming grinned sinisterly. After being repeatedly rebuffed by Ye Chui, his resentment had grown. Coupled with the cold shoulder from his superior, Huang Xiaotian, he was living in frustration.

But now, his opportunity had come!

His eyebrows twitched mischievously: "The SB Light Brain Company's game development department is about to be established. If you do as I say, I'm 100% confident I can become the department manager. Then, I can directly bring you into SB, making you part of the team!"

Jian Fan couldn't help but smile. Becoming part of SB had always been his dream…

The two discussed things sneakily for the next half hour.

"To a successful partnership." Finally, Wang Zhaoming extended his hand.

Their hands clasped together.

When Jian Fan returned to the studio, his previous gloomy, resentful demeanor was gone, replaced by a broad grin…

"Where did Jian Fan go? He looks like a different person now. Look at him, grinning like a Cheshire cat," Fang Xi remarked curiously.

"Maybe he's in love," Ye Chui shrugged, guessing randomly.

"Or perhaps he found some money on the road." Fang Nan, still engrossed in controlling her virtual character, suggested.

Fang Xi was already bored with the gameplay, but Fang Nan still found it endlessly fun.

So, Fang Xi set up a simple AI system to let the computer fight against Fang Nan.

After a few more words, Fang Xi suddenly remembered something and said to Ye Chui, "Oh, right, Cross Bro, I stayed up late last night and finished drawing the first chapter of Dragon Ball. I haven't had a chance to show you yet. What do you think of my work?"


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