ABCFWGR ### Chapter 115: What Daydreaming?

Not long after Gu Chen left, Oya called.

It was obvious she was acting as a mediator for her grandfather. Gu Chen immediately hung up and blocked her number.

The series of actions were swift and seamless.

A testament to his experience!

He had honed these skills dealing with Chen Yuwei.

This inevitably reminded him of Chen Yuwei. After a moment's hesitation, he dialed a number.

"Help me look into someone."

The response was astonishingly quick. Almost instantly, he received Chen Yuwei's current address.

Gu Chen hailed a cab and headed straight for the hotel listed in the address.

Upon arrival, he didn’t go upstairs but instead went to a building opposite the hotel, standing by a window to observe.

With his sharp eyesight, it was easy to see the other side.

He quickly located Chen Yuwei's room, but the tightly drawn curtains thwarted his exceptional vision.

It didn’t matter, though.

He was merely acting on a whim, wanting to take a glance. Whether he saw anything or not wasn’t important.

As he was about to leave, the curtains in the opposite room opened.

Chen Yuwei spread her arms, basking in the sunlight, clutching a bottle of wine in one hand. Her steps were unsteady, almost falling several times—clearly drunk.

"Why? Why? Why?..."

From her lip movements, Gu Chen saw she was repeatedly saying those words, seeming deeply troubled.

Guessing the cause of her distress, Gu Chen shook his head, "There are not so many whys in this world. As long as you live, you must endure the darkness of human nature."

"You become strong by not being defeated. If you fall, that's just fate!"

After ensuring she wouldn't harm herself, Gu Chen left quietly.

He came and went silently, not taking away a single cloud.

On his way back to Qionglou Yuyu.

Gu Chen encountered Oya, who had been waiting for some time at the foot of the mountain.

"Do I need to remind you again? Was Lin Yuanbiao’s lesson not enough?" Gu Chen's voice was as cold as ice.

It was only because Oya was a woman and Gu Chen didn’t hit women that she was spared. If she were a man, her fate might be worse than Lin Yuanbiao's.

"Mr. Gu, I absolutely have no intention of spying on your life. I assure you, except for earlier, we have never tailed you privately." Oya cautiously explained.

She had heard about Lin Yuanbiao's incident, but she couldn’t disobey her grandfather’s orders, so she had to come.

"Yes, you haven't followed me openly, but secretly, you've probably investigated me thoroughly. Is this what you call not spying on my life? Or do you and your people think I have a good temper?" Gu Chen bluntly exposed her last bit of pretense.

Oya was left speechless because what Gu Chen said was true. She had no grounds to argue.

At this moment, she felt like a lamb stripped bare, completely exposed.

"While I can still speak calmly, disappear from my sight immediately. Don’t test my limited patience." Gu Chen didn’t want to entangle with her and gave a final ultimatum.

Oya looked embarrassed, clenching her fists in frustration, "Mr. Gu, don’t you think it's very rude to treat a lady this way?"

"The infamous little witch of the capital, even you have times to play the victim?" Gu Chen looked at her mockingly.

Oya was momentarily stunned, surprised that he knew her old nickname.

But on second thought, with Liu Hanyan around him, it wasn’t surprising.

She quickly wiped away nonexistent tears and resumed her cool demeanor, "Alright, playing the victim isn’t my strong suit, and I can't pretend to be a delicate girl."

"Frankly, I don’t want my grandfather to get involved. I tried to stop him on the phone, but unfortunately, once he decides something, I can't stop him. The corpse elixir you have is very important to him."

"However, I knew he would return empty-handed. Even though he thinks you can't refuse his conditions, I know that what you want isn’t those things."

This was her true nature—intelligent and perceptive. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be in charge at such a young age.

Earlier, she was underestimated.

Gu Chen, rarely interested in a conversation, asked, "So why are you here? To experience the feeling of rejection?"

Oya showed a charming smile and took out a photo from her bag, "No, I'm here because no man has ever refused me!"

"You and your grandfather are equally arrogant." Gu Chen said indifferently.

"Is that so?"

Oya slowly turned the photo around to show Gu Chen, "What about now?"


Gu Chen’s expression changed drastically. He grabbed Oya’s slender neck and demanded, "Where did you get this photo?"

Oya grimaced in pain but remained silent, allowing Gu Chen’s hand to grip her neck like an iron clamp. She closed her eyes, accepting whatever fate awaited her.

"Answer my question!"

Gu Chen's forehead veins bulged, his grip tightening as if he would snap her neck any second.

Oya stayed silent, a mocking smile playing on her lips.

She seemed confident that Gu Chen wouldn’t dare kill her, or perhaps he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Seeing her unwavering attitude, Gu Chen calmed down, let go, and turned to leave.

He became a completely different person from the one eager for answers just moments ago.

"Cough, cough..."

Oya clutched her neck, struggling to breathe and coughing uncontrollably.

Noticing the fading footsteps, she looked up but didn’t intend to chase after him. Instead, she muttered to herself, ""

She thought Gu Chen was playing hard to get and would not miss such an important clue.

However, she quickly realized she was wrong. Gu Chen had no intention of looking back.

This put her in a tough spot!

"Damn it, he doesn’t follow the script at all."

Oya cursed angrily. Ignoring her discomfort, she hurried after him, blocking his path, "Don’t you want to know if the person in the photo is dead or alive?"


Gu Chen pushed her aside and continued walking.

"Pretend all you want, but I know you reacted strongly. You can't hold back your curiosity." Oya shouted in frustration.

She had never been outmaneuvered in a battle of wits before.

This man would be no exception, no matter his formidable skills. She still held the upper hand.

"If you kneel and beg me to tell you, I might give you a chance."

After hearing Oya’s words, Gu Chen slowed his steps and said coldly, "..."

Oya almost didn’t react.

Kneel? Beg him? What kind of daydream is he having?


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