WIIAD? ### Chapter 13: Ordo

In the industry, it's nearly impossible to find independent agents anymore. Most capable agents typically manage around ten artists, including both seasoned and new talents. This is the norm in the industry, as the majority of agents rely on their artists for income. The more artists they manage, the more they earn.

Agents without the ability fall into two extremes: one extreme is the independent agent, usually a relative of the artist, functioning more like an assistant. The other extreme is managing a large number of newcomers; there was once an agent with over a hundred new artists under their wing. However, such agents have a slim chance of success unless they have incredible luck.

Wang Xiaohua was clearly not a relative of Qi Lin nor lacking in ability. Her choice to become an independent agent could only mean one thing: she believed Qi Lin would become a superstar. Training just one artist was enough for her.

Thinking this, he glanced at Qi Lin. Even without makeup, Qi Lin's natural appearance was stunning.

The fat man sighed, "How come such good talent never falls into my lap?"

Wang Xiaohua just smiled politely and then led Qi Lin to find the staff.

Wang Xiaohua had made an appointment in advance, so they didn't have to sit in the corridor like the others but were taken to a private waiting room. It was then that Qi Lin realized how influential his agent was.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, a staff member knocked on the door.

"Ms. Wang, it's your turn soon."

"Oh, alright."

Wang Xiaohua, a person without airs, treated even the staff with such warmth that it felt refreshing. She led Qi Lin into the audition room.

The room was fairly spacious, about a hundred square meters, with three middle-aged men seated at the far end. 

Seeing them, Wang Xiaohua greeted, "Director Fang, Brother Guo, long time no see."

Two of them smiled back. The director of "Fong Sai-yuk," Fang Qiong, smiled and said, "Sister Hua, is this the martial arts champion?"

Wang Xiaohua nodded, smiling as she led Qi Lin to the center of the stage. "Absolutely a martial arts champion! Proficient in spear, horse-riding, and various other scenes!"

The producer, Guo Wei, laughed, "He looks great too. If the lead role wasn’t already taken, I’d say he could play the lead!"

Qi Lin and Wang Xiaohua didn’t take this comment to heart, understanding it was just a polite gesture. After all, who would cast someone without box office appeal as the lead? They weren’t his parents, why would they go out of their way for him?

Fang Qiong rubbed his belly and said, "Martial arts alone aren’t enough. Acting is what matters. Let's do a scene."

Fang Qiong picked up the script and chose a random passage, then began reading.

"Sir, are you here to buy a sword?"

Qi Lin stepped out from behind Wang Xiaohua, and recognizing the line, recalled the scene he had been practicing. His body responded instinctively.

He walked slowly to the center of the stage, sat down grandly, and dusted off his boot with his right leg crossed. "No."

Fang Qiong’s eyes lit up. As a director, apart from looks, an actor’s aura was crucial. Qi Lin’s single action conveyed Ordo’s arrogance!

"If you’re not here to buy a sword, why are you here?"

Fang Qiong continued, eagerly anticipating Qi Lin’s response. Qi Lin lowered his head slightly, partially obscuring his face, and spoke in a low voice.

"My master has been having nightmares, suffering from severe insomnia. As long as we kill the demon in his dreams, my master can sleep peacefully!"

Fang Qiong nodded in approval at Qi Lin’s delivery. His emotion and pacing were excellent, though he lacked screen presence. This wasn’t an issue for an audition but could be problematic during filming, as the camera would struggle to capture him properly.

Still, considering Qi Lin was a newcomer, Fang Qiong understood. It was something that could be corrected with a few days of training on set.

Thinking this, he unconsciously continued the scene.

"What’s your master’s name?"

At this, Qi Lin slowly raised his head. "My master is called Qianlong!"

He raised his head so slowly that by the time he said "Qianlong," his face was fully visible. At that moment, the three men opposite him shuddered, especially Fang Qiong, who was directly in Qi Lin’s line of sight, feeling the impact most strongly.

What a pair of eyes!

There was no emotion in them. When he looked at them, it was as if he wasn’t seeing a living person but rather a piece of food, considering where to take a bite.

Fang Qiong had to admit, he was scared—by Qi Lin’s eyes and his acting!

Producer Guo Wei couldn’t help but applaud. Fang Qiong, snapping out of his daze, joined in, repeatedly praising Qi Lin’s performance.

"Excellent! Excellent! My God, is he really not a trained actor? With this acting, these eyes, you could convince me he’s a top graduate from a drama school!"

Wang Xiaohua laughed, covering her mouth, while Qi Lin stood up, his previous menacing aura disappearing, reverting to his sunny disposition.

"Oh, don’t praise him too much, he’s still young. Don’t want him getting a big head."

Though she said this, Wang Xiaohua’s expression was clearly one of pride.

Guo Wei stood up, "Young man, show us a set of your best moves!"

He patted the shoulder of a middle-aged man beside him, "This is our martial arts instructor, Hong Tai, a disciple of the famous Yuan Master from Hong Kong!"

Qi Lin quickly saluted, then said, "I’m proficient in three types of martial arts. I won my award with Bajiquan and Piguaquan. I’ll demonstrate these two."

He closed his eyes and took two deep breaths to steady himself before opening his eyes again.

Hong Tai’s eyes lit up instantly. He could sense Qi Lin’s focus and energy.

In the next moment, Qi Lin spun like a windmill, his arms moving like whips, so fast they became blurs, accompanied by a cracking sound!

Guo Wei and Fang Qiong watched in stunned silence, initially seeking someone to play Ordo, but now realizing they had found the real deal!


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