ROSGT ### Chapter 39: This is His Exclusive Game, No One Else Can Play!

 ## Volume 1

### Chapter 39: This is His Exclusive Game, No One Else Can Play!

As Fang Nan wheeled Ye Chui out the door, Jian Fan immediately wanted to follow, but was stopped by the chubby Fang Xi. When Ye Chui turned back to glance at Jian Fan, he saw an expression of envy, jealousy, and resentment on his face. Jian Fan likely had feelings for Fang Nan and had been pursuing her for a while, but she had always treated him coldly. Yet now, she was showing such care and attention to Ye Chui, someone she had only known for a short time.

Ye Chui felt quite at ease. Among the members of Jian Fan Studio, he valued the Fang siblings the most. Today, he had officially started working and witnessed the programming skills of the mysterious female member, Bai Miyun. Compared to them, Jian Fan was just average. The other three were talented, but Jian Fan was not worth worrying about. If their relationship soured too much... Ye Chui thought he might as well find a way to kick Jian Fan out of the studio.

The idea of ousting Jian Fan and taking over the studio seemed amusing to Ye Chui. He didn’t think this mindset was dark. In this world, he was a disabled person who urgently needed money, and to achieve his goals, he had to be somewhat ruthless.

Initially, Ye Chui had considered starting his own studio. The income from a few simple games had brought him tens of thousands, and it wouldn’t have been difficult to create a studio of Jian Fan Studio’s scale. However, he quickly realized that while creating a studio was easy, finding skilled personnel was not. The programming field was still emerging, much like the early days of computer science in his previous world. Talented individuals were in high demand, with many already employed by large companies, leaving the rest with varying levels of competence.

Given this situation, Ye Chui saw Jian Fan Studio as a good option. It was well-known and better established than starting from scratch. When he first visited the studio, it was merely a potential choice. But after meeting the Fang siblings, he decided it was perfect for a game studio. He was determined to stay, and if anyone had to leave, it would be Jian Fan.

“Chuichui, how do you come up with so many game ideas? They’re amazing. I can’t wait to play ‘Kung Fu’ once it’s finished,” Fang Nan said sweetly on the bus, her beautiful face showing admiration.

Being admired by a beauty was something anyone would enjoy, and Ye Chui was no exception. He chuckled, “These are just idle thoughts. Besides, are the ideas I’ve come up with so far many? I have plenty more where those came from; they’re just small ideas.”

Fang Nan’s eyes sparkled. “Can you tell me another game idea right now?”

“Sure,” Ye Chui agreed casually. He glanced around and spotted a teenager nearby who had been sneaking glances at Fang Nan since they boarded the bus. The boy’s behavior reminded Ye Chui of a classic game.

With a hint of amusement, he said to Fang Nan, “How about this game idea: In it, the player controls a boy who meets a beautiful girl and starts following her without being noticed. The boy can use various tools, and eventually, the two will end up happily together.”

Ye Chui emphasized the word “happily,” making Fang Nan’s eyes light up. “That sounds interesting and fun! We should make that our next game.”

“Uh… maybe not,” Ye Chui replied awkwardly. This was, after all, the infamous game "Stalker." Although regulations in this world were more relaxed, Ye Chui wasn’t ready to release such a game yet.

“Why not?” Fang Nan asked, puzzled. “It sounds like a sweet, pure love story.”

“Pure love story…” Ye Chui rolled his eyes. It was more like a stalker’s fantasy. But he had left out the most captivating elements in his description, so he couldn’t blame her for misunderstanding.

He found an excuse, “It would be best as a 3D game. Our current skills and technology aren’t quite up to that level. Maybe later.”

“Oh, I see,” Fang Nan said, a bit disappointed. Then she brightened up. “But we must develop this game someday! And I want to be the heroine, the beautiful girl being followed.”


Seeing Fang Nan’s proud expression, Ye Chui didn’t know what to say. He reluctantly agreed, “Alright, the heroine will look like you.”

Ye Chui decided that if this game ever got made, no one else would be allowed to play it—it would be his exclusive game!

They chatted happily, and after more than half an hour, they arrived at the café where they had arranged to meet Ye Ling. Ye Chui spotted his sister standing outside. She wore simple clothes but exuded a natural purity that couldn’t be hidden. In Ye Chui’s previous world, she could easily become an internet celebrity or even a star with a little management.

Ye Ling, likely worried about the penalty fee, looked downcast, tapping her foot nervously. “Xiaoling,” Ye Chui called.

“Brother!” Ye Ling’s face brightened as she hurried over. “I’m sorry, Brother. It’s my fault for forgetting about the penalty fee…”

“It’s okay,” Ye Chui interrupted, smiling. “Even if you hadn’t forgotten, I would have taken you away yesterday. Now, where is that guy?”

“Who?” Ye Ling was confused, as the term “Shamate” (a pejorative term for certain youth subcultures) wasn’t popular in this world.

“I mean Gao Yang,” Ye Chui explained.

“Oh,” Ye Ling nodded and pointed to the café. “I’ve already asked him to meet me here. He’s inside.”

Through the window, Ye Chui quickly spotted the flamboyant Gao Yang. His garish, non-mainstream style stood out, making him impossible to miss.

Seeing Gao Yang’s outfit, Ye Chui couldn’t help but think of the song he and Fang Nan had worked on last night. He imagined Gao Yang singing with deep emotion: “Braces girl, why so beautiful, with such powerful legs…” It was a hilarious thought.

“This will be fun,” Ye Chui mused.


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