ROSGT Chapter 36: You'll Cry Sooner or Later

 ### Volume 1, Chapter 36: You'll Cry Sooner or Later

Ye Cui wanted to develop enduring masterpieces like CS, Warcraft, and StarCraft, but it wasn't possible yet. Game development, from simple to large-scale games, requires not only technological support but also a development process, such as game engines. The player experiences, including storyline, levels, art, music, and controls, are all directly controlled by the game engine.

In a game, the engine acts like the car's engine, binding all the game elements together and directing them to work simultaneously and orderly in the background. In the era of arcade fighting games, the systems running on arcades could also be considered a type of game engine. In a world where the game industry was non-existent, there were naturally no game engines, nor even the concept of one. Ye Cui needed to develop this game engine step by step, gradually enhancing its functions.

If he tried to develop massive games like The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim or Grand Theft Auto V right now, it would be futile, despite the world's advanced technology, without the support of a game engine. He had to start with simple games, gradually accumulating and upgrading the game engine.

Arcade fighting games were Ye Cui's first choice. He also considered bringing out side-scrolling games like Contra or Metal Slug, but from his standpoint, he preferred arcade fighting games—after not playing games for so long, his hands were itching. Without large-scale games to play for now, playing arcade games would suffice!

At this moment, in Jian Fan's studio, after hearing Ye Cui's explanation of fighting games, Fang Nan was the first to voice her approval. She slammed the table and said, "I've always wanted software like this, where you can fight people online without worrying about injuring anyone. It's so much fun!"

Violent games were clearly a favorite for this tomboy.

"Sis, image!" Fang Xi quickly reminded her quietly.

Fang Nan realized her overreaction and giggled, "Oh, Chuichui, this fighting game sounds so interesting. I couldn't help myself."

Ye Cui felt like he was once again seeing an illusion of a tomboy...

"No way!" Jian Fan shouted at this point. "I thought you were going to develop a game like Link Link, but instead it's a fighting game... What's fun about this kind of game? Controlling virtual characters to fight other virtual characters is so boring. How could anyone like playing such a thing?"

He believed that Link Link and Eliminate were the true games, and this concept of a fighting game was completely unfeasible.

Ye Cui rolled his eyes. How could he argue with Jian Fan? There were people who got addicted to arcade games, but none who got addicted to Link Link...

Okay, when Ye Cui first created Link Link in this world, it did have quite a few addicts. But that was due to the lack of games. If you put King of Fighters next to Link Link, wouldn't King of Fighters be more attractive?

Jian Fan couldn't see the value of this game idea, so it was probably useless to explain it to him.

"Ye Cui, can you come up with ideas similar to Link Link or Eliminate? If it's that type of game, I'll fully support development. If not, I don't think it's worth developing," Jian Fan continued. He acknowledged Ye Cui's talent but only in the context of casual games like Link Link.

Ye Cui had a headache and turned to Fang Nan and Fang Xi, "What do you think?"

"I think it would be very interesting," Fang Xi pondered. Although not a fan of violence, he found the concept of a fighting game fun. Fang Nan's reaction was clear enough to show her full support.

Jian Fan's forehead veins were almost popping out—he knew it would be like this; this sibling pair completely supported Ye Cui!

Ye Cui then looked at Jian Fan, "Should we ask Bai Miyun's opinion?"

"Hmph, forget it," Jian Fan snorted. "That shut-in probably won't care either way... How long will it take to develop this fighting game?"

"About a month," Ye Cui estimated. During the time after his rebirth, Ye Cui had done some research. Even though Fang Nan and Fang Xi had strong programming skills, developing such a fighting game from scratch would take about a month. The hit effects and collision sensations in fighting games weren't easy to develop.

"A month?" Jian Fan exclaimed. "That's too long! If we spend a month on this game and it doesn't bring in enough revenue, who will cover the studio's losses?"

"I will," Ye Cui said, seeing through Jian Fan's concerns. This guy just didn't want to take a loss. He smiled and added, "If the game doesn't succeed after a month, I'll cover their salaries and the studio's daily expenses. If you feel shortchanged, I can pay you a salary too. How about that?"

Jian Fan thought for a moment and then nodded, "Alright, it's a deal."

"But what if the game succeeds?" Ye Cui changed his tone and continued, "I have one request: if the game succeeds, I hope to pay them based on a percentage of the revenue."

"How?" Jian Fan asked curiously.

Ye Cui explained, "According to our previous contract, my salary is 30% of the revenue from the game ideas I propose. The remaining 70% is split as 15% each for you guys, and 10% for the studio's operating expenses. How about that?"

This percentage-based distribution was for Fang Xi and Fang Nan's benefit. Ye Cui was confident the game would be a huge success. According to the studio's original payment standards, Fang Nan and Fang Xi would only receive a fixed monthly salary of 4,000, with most of the remaining money going into Jian Fan's pocket, leaving no bonus.

How could Ye Cui let that happen? It was only fair for everyone to earn money together. Moreover, with this profit-sharing arrangement, Ye Cui would still get the largest share at 30%.

Fang Nan and Fang Xi, understanding that Ye Cui was looking out for them, were touched and readily agreed. But Jian Fan wasn't happy. Under this distribution, whether the game succeeded or not, Ye Cui would get 30%, and he would only get 15%, half of what Ye Cui got.

Jian Fan's face twisted with displeasure.

"Don't agree?" Seeing Jian Fan's expression, Ye Cui proposed again, "Then let's change it. You give me your 15%, and whether the game succeeds or not, I'll pay you... 30,000 yuan. How does that sound?"

In other words, whether the fighting game succeeded or not, Jian Fan would receive 30,000 yuan for the month. Based on the studio's past performance, Jian Fan's average monthly income was about 10,000, so earning 30,000 was a substantial increase. In Jian Fan's mind, Link Link and a fighting game were two entirely different things, and Ye Cui couldn't replicate Link Link's success with a fighting game. 

Getting a guaranteed 30,000 salary was much safer than a 15% profit share. He saw this as a win-win situation.

Jian Fan cheerfully agreed, "Alright, let's do it that way."

To prevent Ye Cui from backing out, he eagerly contacted a law firm to draft an electronic project contract. This contract stated that for the next month, Jian Fan's studio would work for Ye Cui, developing a game. Ye Cui would get 45% of the game's revenue, while Jian Fan would receive a fixed 30,000 yuan for his month's work. Fang Nan and the others would get 15% of the revenue each, and 10% would go to the studio's operating expenses.

Ye Cui quickly signed the electronic contract, inputting his DNA recognition code on his terminal (which functioned as a signature). Jian Fan felt triumphant.

"Ye Cui thinks he's hot stuff after creating two successful games. He should stick to the 'kan' series, but he's insisting on making a fighting game. 'Kan' series can make big money, but this fighting game... what trash! Who would like such a thing? Developing this game is too risky. I'm the smart one here. Let's see if Fang Nan and Fang Xi still support him after this."

Seeing Jian Fan's smug expression, Ye Cui was speechless. Arcade games might not have as wide an audience as puzzle games like Link Link, but their revenue potential was much higher. A game like Link Link could earn Ye Cui tens of thousands, and a fighting game would start at a million. 

A 15% profit share would be worth tens of thousands. Jian Fan traded a revenue share worth tens of thousands for a fixed salary of 30,000...

Alright, enjoy your moment. Sooner or later, you'll cry about it.

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