SRGA **Chapter 189: In My Name, Heaven’s Punishment Descends!**

Dongjin International Airport.

"The plane has landed at Dongjin International Airport. Thank you for choosing our flight, and we wish you a pleasant journey."

As the cabin door opened, passengers disembarked one after another.

Among the crowd was a very inconspicuous young man—this was Lin Tian in disguise. He silently got off the plane.


A clap of thunder echoed in the sky.

"Sigh, why is it raining today?"

"With this heavy rain, we'll have to stay in the hotel. What a bummer."

Many of the other passengers were tourists, and they complained about the rain. Lin Tian, however, had a faint smile on his face.

What a perfect day.

It was still just moderate rain for now, but it would soon intensify into heavy rain, and eventually, a downpour.

An hour later, Lin Tian checked into a hotel.

This hotel was only a few kilometers away from the Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine. He didn’t need to take a car; a short walk would get him there.

"The Grandmaster Lin from Huaguo is a butcher."

"We strongly protest the redirecting of Typhoon Haiya towards our country."

"Huaguo and Grandmaster Lin must compensate us for our losses!"

Lin Tian walked towards the Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine with an umbrella. On the way, he encountered a protest march—thousands of people braving the rain, holding signs, and chanting slogans.

Several media reporters were also there, taking photos and conducting interviews.

Dongjin citizens were marching in the rain to protest. In no time, news articles would be churned out.

"You won't be the top story!"

Lin Tian muttered to himself.

He continued forward as the rain gradually intensified.

By the time he approached the Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine, the rain had turned into a downpour. The sky was filled with dark clouds, and thunder roared.

"I wonder when this rain will stop."

"It probably won't stop anytime soon. It's heaven's will, allowing us to spend more time with our martyrs."


People inside the Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine chatted among themselves.

"Coming here in such weather shows commendable spirit. Since that's the case, you can all perish with this shrine."

Lin Tian's eyes gleamed sharply as he looked towards the sky.

"Bring the thunder!"

Lin Tian activated his Heavenly Thunder True Technique.

His power invoked the lightning in the sky.


A massive bolt of lightning struck the main building of the Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine.


"Someone's dead!"

There were thirty to forty people in the main building, and two were instantly sent to meet their ancestors by that lightning strike.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The first lightning bolt was just the beginning.

In the following moments, it seemed like the heavens had gone mad, unleashing terrifying bolts of lightning one after another.

Ten, twenty, thirty...

Within five minutes, hundreds of lightning bolts rained down from the sky, all concentrated on the Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine.

Every building, every staff member, and even visitors to the shrine were obliterated.

"No wonder it's a legendary skill."

"It truly is spectacular."

Lin Tian muttered to himself, a smile appearing on his face.


Fire trucks rushed to the scene.

Lin Tian turned and left silently, umbrella in hand.


The fire trucks stopped three to four hundred meters away.

"Damn it, why are we stopping?"

Someone cursed.

"Captain, should we really go closer? If more lightning strikes, we could die too."

The driver spoke fearfully.


"Amaterasu will protect us!"

The captain ordered sternly.

The driver hesitated. If Amaterasu could protect them, why hadn't he protected the Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine?

"Hurry up!"

The captain urged again.


**The fire trucks continued to approach, and soon they could see clearly. Each firefighter's eyes widened in shock.

It seemed their rescue efforts would be unnecessary here.

"Quick, start rescuing the injured immediately!"

Firefighters from the ambulances swiftly took action. They soon found multiple bodies.

They did not find a single living person.

"This is heavenly punishment, true heavenly punishment!"

"Was building the Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine truly a mistake?"

All the firefighters felt their morale crumble.


Before long, police cars and ambulances arrived as well.

Media reporters quickly arrived after getting the news.

"Breaking news: The Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine was struck by hundreds of lightning bolts, completely destroyed in the process."

"The Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine struck by lightning, over a hundred dead."

These reports quickly spread online.

The news soon reached Huaguo's online community.

"Oh my, can someone tell me if this is real?"

"If it's true, I'll immediately go buy firecrackers. Even if the police punish me, I'll still set off a few boxes."

"The smart ones are already at the firecracker store."

This news quickly went viral in Huaguo.

Soon, related videos were also uploaded to Huaguo's internet.

The thunderstorm lasted for four to five minutes, long enough for nearby people to capture and upload videos online.

"Oh my, it's actually true."

"I'm at the firecracker store, but I'm stunned. The line is so long, I probably won't get any before they're sold out."

Countless people across Huaguo took action, quickly buying out all the firecracker stores.

Although it wasn't the peak season as the New Year was still far off, firecracker stores didn't expect such a sudden surge in business.

At home, Luo Bingning received a call.

"Wan'er, what's up?"

Luo Bingning asked.

Tang Wan excitedly said, "Good news, Bingning! Haven't you seen the news? The Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine was struck by a rare lightning storm."

"Hundreds of lightning bolts destroyed the Higashi Sakura Oni Shrine."

Luo Bingning was momentarily stunned.

Others might not know, but she knew Lin Tian had gone to Dongying today, and his place wasn't far from there.

"I'll check the news."

After hanging up, Luo Bingning quickly searched online.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

She found a high-definition video.

In the video, terrifying lightning bolts continuously struck down.

"Honey, just a few hours after you went, this happened."

"Could this have something to do with you?"

Luo Bingning murmured to herself.

Her intuition told her there was a high probability it was related.

Why else would this happen shortly after Lin Tian arrived?

A treasure chest appeared above Luo Bingning's head.

This time, it was a silver treasure chest.

The hundreds of lightning bolts continuously striking down left a significant impact on her.

Moreover, she knew it was likely connected to Lin Tian.

"Beep beep!"

Lin Tian dialed a number.

The call was to the head of the Mitsui family, who had given him their number.

"Who is this?"

On the other end, the head of the Mitsui family, Mitsui Mori, asked.

Lin Tian replied in Mandarin, "Head of the Mitsui family, it's Sunday, are you at home? I'll be arriving at your house soon."

Mitsui Mori frowned. "Who are you?"

"My last name is Lin, and the weather is nice today. I'm coming to fulfill our agreement."

Lin Tian said with a faint smile.

Mitsui Mori looked out the window at the dark clouds and heavy rain. How could he say the weather was nice?


Mitsui Mori suddenly gasped.

A look of horror appeared in his eyes.


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