AFVSIBS Chapter 159: Zhou Chen's Requirements for Participating in Programs (dropped)

Zhou Chen briefly glanced at the live broadcast time of "Music 2023". When he saw that it was at 9 PM in the evening, he immediately decided against it in his mind.

"Fangfang Jie, someone is here to see you."

Just then, the front desk clerk of Wanhe walked over and informed Wan Fangfang.

"Here to see me? I didn't have any appointments scheduled today," Wan Fangfang replied.

"It's a Mr. Wei, he said you would meet with him," the front desk clerk answered.

"Is Director Wei personally here? Alright, I'll go out and meet him with you."

Wan Fangfang guessed it might be Wei Wentao coming to find her, and she didn't dare to delay. After all, Wei Wentao had quite a network in the entertainment industry. If he came personally, as just a manager, she had to give him some face.

So, she walked out with the front desk clerk.

"Wei Dao, why did you suddenly come over? Welcome, welcome," Wan Fangfang greeted him warmly.

"Haha, I just had breakfast and thought it's been a while since I've seen you, so I came to visit my old friend. I hope I'm not disturbing your work?" Wei Wentao chuckled.

"You're being too polite, Director Wei. I'm more than happy that you came to see me. How could you be a disturbance? But if you're here today, it’s not just to see me, right?"

"Haha, nothing gets past you. You're right. I came to see you for two reasons today. First, of course, to see you. Second, I wanted to talk to you and Zhou Chen about 'Music 2023,'" Wei Wentao said with a smile.

Wei Wentao had thought about it last night. His new variety show, "Music 2023," needed attention and viewership. Whether he could get Zhou Chen to participate was a crucial matter.

"I guessed you came for Zhou Chen. Just earlier, I was discussing 'Music 2023' with him. I've spoken very highly of your show to him," Wan Fangfang said.

"That’s great, Fangfang. I wonder what Zhou Chen's thoughts are. If he's willing to join our show, we can offer a better price," Wei Wentao replied.

"Director Wei, to be honest, money isn't the issue. The main concern is the timing."

"Timing? What do you mean? Are Zhou Chen's upcoming schedules all booked? That's not possible, right? I heard he rarely schedules things in advance," Wei Wentao asked.

"No, it's not a schedule issue. It's about the live broadcast time of 'Music 2023.' Hmm, you should discuss the specifics with him. Let me take you inside to meet him first."

With that, Wan Fangfang led Wei Wentao directly inside to meet Zhou Chen.

"Zhou Chen, this is Mr. Wei Wentao, the director of 'Music 2023.' He happened to have some free time today, so he came to discuss something with you."

Chapter 159: Zhou Chen's Requirements for Participating in Programs

"Zhou Chen, this is Mr. Wei Wentao, the director of 'Music 2023.' He has some free time today, so he came to discuss something with you," Wan Fangfang introduced.

"Hello, Zhou Chen, nice to meet you." Wei Wentao immediately extended his hand to shake Zhou Chen's.

"Hello, Mr. Wei. Since you're here, I'll be straightforward. I won't be participating in your 'Music 2023' program. Thank you for considering me," Zhou Chen said.

Zhou Chen wasn't unfamiliar with social norms. In his previous life on Earth, he understood them better than anyone and paid close attention to them. But in this life, he didn't want to live under such pressure and didn't want to constantly consider everyone's feelings. He said what he thought.

Wei Wentao was taken aback by Zhou Chen's directness. He had heard that Zhou Chen had a peculiar personality, but he didn't expect it to be to this extent.

However, he wasn't angry; rather, he smiled politely and said, "Zhou Chen, you're indeed a very direct person, much like I was when I was younger. Honestly, I like straightforward people. So, I appreciate your personality. But can you tell me why you're refusing to join our 'Music 2023'?"

"It's a matter of timing. It's not just 'Music 2023,' but all variety shows that start so late in the evening. I can't accept it," Zhou Chen replied.

"Really? Our time isn't considered late. Nine o'clock is a prime time slot," Wei Wentao said.

"Mr. Wei, the thing is, Zhou Chen goes to bed early and wakes up early every day. Starting at nine o'clock isn't late, but by the time the show ends, it's already quite late. So, Zhou Chen's concern is that it would affect his sleep schedule," Wan Fangfang explained.

Wei Wentao finally understood the situation.

But this time slot had been decided after considering many factors. Changing it would be quite troublesome.

"Zhou Chen, how about this, I'll compromise and change it to eight o'clock?" Wei Wentao suggested.

In consideration of the show's attention and ratings, he decided to step back and move the time slot an hour earlier.

"If you could schedule the program to start at six o'clock, I might consider it," Zhou Chen replied.

"Six o'clock? Many people are just starting to have dinner or are in the middle of dinner at six o'clock. Besides, six o'clock isn't considered prime time. If we start at six, it would affect the show's ratings," Wei Wentao said in surprise.

Wei Wentao was astonished.

Wan Fangfang didn't know what to say either. Six o'clock was indeed quite early, and currently, there were no variety shows starting at that time.

But she also understood Zhou Chen's personality. Once he made a decision, it was hard to persuade him.

"That's something you need to consider, not something I need to consider," Zhou Chen replied directly.

"Mr. Wei, how about this, you go back and weigh your options, and we'll think about it too. Let's see if we can come up with a cooperation plan that satisfies both sides," Wan Fangfang quickly intervened to diffuse the awkward atmosphere.

"Alright, we'll go back and discuss it further."

Wei Wentao didn't make an immediate decision. He simply said that and left with his assistant.

"Mr. Wei, isn't Zhou Chen going too far? We were sincere, but he's making all sorts of demands. Especially asking the program to start at six o'clock, isn't that ridiculous? Six o'clock is what time? That's the time for news broadcasts. No, news broadcasts are at seven. He wants it earlier than news time," Wei Wentao's assistant, Sun Lili, expressed her strong dissatisfaction as they walked out of Wanhe Entertainment.


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