ABCFWGR Chapter 113 Just Consider It a Favor for Me

A night passed without much conversation.

Gu Chen sat in a daze for half the night, only returning to his room to rest in the early hours of the morning.

As for the Gu Houjian, it seemed to have disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.


Under the leadership of Madam He, the members of the He family dressed up in their finest attire and gathered at the gate, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the figure who could restore their family's reputation.

"When Master Hu arrives later, all of you must show enthusiasm. We must make sure Master Hu feels our sincerity," Madam He instructed the group.

Everyone quickly agreed.

However, there were still some cautious individuals who couldn't help but express their doubts. "Madam, could this Master Hu be like that useless Guole real person, just a decorative figure?"


Madam He lifted her cane and viciously struck the person who spoke, glaring at him angrily. "How dare you! It's one thing to say such words in front of me, but if Master Hu were to hear them, he would snap your neck, and I wouldn't stop him."

"What kind of person is that Guole real person? He doesn't even have the qualifications to shine Master Hu's shoes. Let me tell you, Master Hu was once a guest of honor in the Li family of Ansheng Province!"

With pride in her voice, Madam He lifted her head high, as if she had achieved something remarkable.

"The Li family? That's the prestigious family of Ansheng Province!"

"Madam He is truly remarkable to be able to invite a guest of honor from the Li family!"

"Haha, it's time for our He family to rise up and make that surnamed Gu crawl around the city three times!"

The flattering words filled Madam He's wrinkled face, making her smile like a chrysanthemum flower.

The group was immersed in the joy of washing away their shame, completely ignoring a crucial point.

In terms of wealth and influence, the He family of Lin'an was nowhere near as powerful as the Li family of Ansheng Province. Why would a guest of honor from the Li family favor the small He family?

A high-end commercial vehicle slowly pulled up to the gate of the He family's residence.

The electric door opened, and Madam He, leaning on her cane, personally stepped forward to greet the guest.

"Welcome, Master Hu!"

"Welcome, Master Hu!"

Madam He nodded, and the people behind her echoed in unison.

A man in his fifties got out of the car, with long beard and bulging muscles, exuding a powerful aura just by standing there.


Feeling the pressure emanating from him, the members of the He family couldn't help but gasp in awe.

At the same time, their confidence in washing away their shame soared.

"Madam, you're too kind!" Hu Hankang said in a deep voice.

"It's our pleasure. It's an honor for our He family to have Master Hu's assistance," Madam He fawned.

With a faint "hmm," Hu Hankang displayed the demeanor of a grandmaster, not deigning to take the small He family seriously.

"Master Hu, please, let's sit inside and talk." Madam He gestured politely.

Hu Hankang didn't hesitate to take the lead and walked ahead.

Madam He quickly ushered the rest of the family members to follow.

"Oh? There are such ruffians in Lin'an? What did you say this person's name was again?" 

In the living room, Hu Hankang sat directly in the main seat and looked towards Madam He, who was sitting beside him.

"Gu Chen." Madam He hurriedly repeated.

Upon hearing this name, Hu Hankang felt somewhat familiar but couldn't quite recall.

At this moment, Madam He said indignantly, "Master Hu, to be frank with you, this person actually has no real skills. He's just a freeloader at the Chen family, but somehow he befriended a martial arts master, and that's how... that's how he's caused chaos in my He family, making us embarrassed and humiliated!"

"A martial arts master?"

Hu Hankang's expression turned displeased. "In a small place like Lin'an, what kind of master could there be? Don't tell me he has the ability to overturn the heavens and the earth?"

"It's my fault for not speaking properly. In front of Master Hu, so-called masters are nothing but chickens and dogs. Hehe, we are relying on you, Master Hu," Madam He hurriedly laughed, trying to please.

"Don't worry, since I've promised to take action, I will definitely rid your He family of this trouble," Hu Hankang said casually.

"That's right, that's right."

After flattering Madam He, Hu Hankang looked at her and nodded.

Seeing this, Madam He signaled to a servant behind her.

Soon, a maid with a pleasing appearance approached with a tray in her hands, gracefully presenting it.

"Master Hu, this is a gift prepared for you. Please accept it," Madam He extended her hand to showcase.

Instead of immediately looking at the bottle on the tray, Hu Hankang looked the maid up and down, showing satisfaction.

"In that case, I won't disturb Master Hu's enjoyment of this delicacy. Everyone, please leave!" 

Seeing this, Madam He dismissed the others and also stepped back to close the door personally.


Immediately, sounds of torn clothing and murmurs of delight could be heard from inside the room.

Madam He revealed a lewd smile, discarded her cane, and stood with her hands behind her back. "Without my command, no one is allowed to approach this room. Hehehe!"

As long as Master Hu was satisfied, she had no doubt that the matter would be settled.


In the hotel room.

Wu Anqi slowly woke up, feeling a headache from the hangover.

Glancing at her slender white legs outside the blanket, she sighed softly, "What a mess!"

In the embrace of her deeply sleeping friend, Chen Yuwei, there was still an empty wine bottle. Her long eyelashes were moistened by tears, and her beautiful face, which should have been as delicate as a flower, now appeared desolate, with dark circles under her eyes like painted on.

She gently covered Chen Yuwei with the blanket, picked up her shoes, and quietly left, not wanting to wake her sleeping friend.


The door closed with a faint sound.

The beauty on the bed opened her eyes, looking at the emptiness beside her, tears streaming down her cheeks once again.

Downstairs, Wu Anqi took out her phone and called Gu Chen.

"Do you have time later? I need to talk to you... Oh, I can't explain it over the phone... I must tell you in person... Okay, I'll wait for you at the company."

Feeling mysterious and curious about what was going on, Gu Chen felt a bit intrigued but decided to meet her at the company to find out what she was up to.

Soon, Gu Chen arrived at the company.

Upon entering the office, he immediately caught a whiff of alcohol from Wu Anqi.

"Drinking while working? That's not like you

. Did something happen?" Gu Chen asked in surprise.

"Huh? Is there still a smell of alcohol?" Wu Anqi was startled and sniffed her clothes vigorously. "I sprayed a lot of perfume in the car earlier, thinking it could cover up the smell."

Well, it wasn't her fault. It was Gu Chen's nose acting up.

Seeing her like this, Gu Chen guessed that it wasn't anything serious and sat down to wait for her to speak.

After spraying a few more times with perfume, Wu Anqi finally spoke, "Have you seen Yuwei these past few days?"

Chen Yuwei?

Gu Chen was taken aback and shook his head. "I haven't seen her since last time. Why do you suddenly ask?"

Wu Anqi took a deep breath and said the words she least wanted to say, "Gu Chen, could you go see her? Just consider it a favor for me."


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