ABCFWGR Chapter 111: The Last Gift

Hearing Liu Hanyan’s words, Yan Anbang couldn’t help but laugh in exasperation. “Liu girl, what you’re saying is amusing. Even if it’s an acquaintance, no one would just hand over a whole bottle. At most… at most, giving out one pill would be a big deal.”

“Well, that settles it then,” Liu Hanyan spread her hands.

Realizing something, Yan Anbang’s smile froze on his face, looking incredulously at Chen Xingxian.

Chen Xingxian sighed and gave him a confirming nod.

Immediately, Yan Anbang felt as if he had been struck by lightning, clutching his chest and unable to speak for a long while.

“This… this is too generous, not treating treasures like treasures at all!”

Feng Ming and Feng Shaogang exchanged glances, shock mixed with a hint of joy in their eyes.

“Chen’er, you should say something. That Mr. Yan seems to have a weak heart, don’t aggravate his heart condition,” Jiang Rou said, unable to bear it.

Yan Anbang didn’t have a weak heart; he was just emotionally overwhelmed!

Upon hearing this, Gu Chen finally spoke, “Although I don’t have much use for the Corpse Returning Pill, it’s still a token of your goodwill. Let’s have you give it to Aunt Jiang on my behalf.”

Before Yan Anbang could respond, Jiang Rou hurriedly waved her hands, “I can’t, I can’t accept such a valuable thing.”

She had just heard that this Corpse Returning Pill was worth more than the five spiritual herbs combined. Having been a housewife for half her life, she had never encountered something so precious.

Yan Anbang, who had just taken a few steps, froze, not knowing whether to give or not to give, looking to Gu Chen for help.

Gu Chen whispered, “Aunt Jiang, aren’t you saving up for me? Such a valuable treasure could ensure my financial security for the rest of my life. Are you sure you don’t want it?”


Jiang Rou became hesitant.

Gu Chen had hit the right spot. Jiang Rou wasn’t greedy, and she didn’t have much desire for wealth, but she cared deeply about Gu Chen’s future.

At this moment, Yan Anbang seized the opportunity and thrust the Corpse Returning Pill into Jiang Rou’s hands, then quickly retreated back to his original position.

Making it impossible for Jiang Rou to refuse.

“Well then, Aunt Jiang will hold onto it for you for now,” Jiang Rou said helplessly.

“Thank you, Aunt Jiang,” Gu Chen smiled.

At this moment, only the last tray remained.

Given that the previous six trays hadn’t caught Gu Chen’s attention, Yan Anbang was deeply frustrated and dejected. He listlessly lifted the last red cloth.

“Mr. Gu…”

Just as Yan Anbang was about to introduce, a figure flashed by. Gu Chen had already rushed to the tray and grabbed the last gift.

Everyone else was curious about what kind of treasure it was that could cause the usually calm Gu Chen to react so strongly.

“Where did this come from?” Gu Chen’s voice carried a chill.

Yan Anbang was startled and quickly explained, “It was the old master who insisted I bring it. If you don’t like it, I can…”

“Like it? More than like it, I love it to death,” Gu Chen squeezed out the words through gritted teeth.

This wasn’t a sign of liking; it was a sign of wanting to kill.

A cold murderous aura filled the entire living room.

The temperature in the air dropped rapidly.


Jiang Rou called out to Gu Chen with concern.

Perhaps it was her voice that brought Gu Chen back to his senses, or maybe Gu Chen had remained rational all along but was just extremely angry. In any case, the murderous aura quickly dissipated.

It came and went quickly.

“Sorry, I lost my composure.”

Gu Chen’s tone softened as he swiftly tucked the gift into his sleeve, not intending to show it to anyone.

The others only caught a glimpse of the outline of a short sword.

“Thank the old master for me. Tell him I really like this gift. Also, I hope those who know about this gift can keep it a secret,” Gu Chen said seriously.

Realizing the importance of the matter, Yan Anbang solemnly promised, “Rest assured, Mr. Gu, these guards are my trusted men. My family and I won’t divulge a word.”

“Thank you!” Gu Chen nodded earnestly.

After a moment, Gu Chen returned to his usual calm demeanor and looked at Jiang Rou. “Aunt Jiang, it’s getting late, we should head back.”

Jiang Rou glanced at his sleeve, seeming to guess something, and her expression turned slightly uneasy.

Liu Hanyan, being the closest, felt the tension most clearly. While curious, she frowned, lost in thought.

The atmosphere became somewhat heavy.

At this moment, Feng Ming stood up hurriedly and cautiously said, “Mr. Gu, may I have your contact information?”

Realizing he had a request, Gu Chen didn’t want to complicate matters and said directly, “If you have something to say, say it now. There’s no need to delay.”

Hearing this, Feng Ming hurriedly pushed his son forward and said, “To be honest, my son has had a hidden illness since childhood and is still unmarried. My Feng family has only one line, and if it’s broken in this generation, I would have no face to see my ancestors after death.”

“Please, Mr. Gu, show great mercy and cure my son’s illness!”

Feng Shaogang, being exposed by his father in front of so many people, especially with two women present, blushed deeply with embarrassment.

Jiang Rou didn’t mind since she had been a wife for many years, and Feng Shaogang was about the same age as Gu Chen, so she saw him as a child.

But Liu Hanyan was still a young maiden. Hearing such bold words, her face turned red, looking particularly enchanting under the light.

Unfortunately, no one noticed this beauty at the moment.

“It’s just congenital impotence, nothing too troublesome. Was it congenital or acquired?” Gu Chen asked casually.

Hearing this, the Feng family father and son almost jumped with joy.

The more casually Gu Chen spoke, the more it indicated the illness could be cured.

“Mr. Gu, it was acquired. When I was seven, I fell into icy water in winter and got frostbite,” Feng Shaogang quickly explained, eager and unashamed.

“That’s even simpler, just take this.”

With that, Gu Chen tossed a pill over.

Feng Shaogang received it as if it were a treasure, his eyes brimming with tears of joy.

Heaven knows the sorrow he felt, faced with numerous beauties but unable to act.

“When you have your next intimate encounter…”

Before Gu Chen could finish his instructions, Feng Shaogang, face contorted with eagerness, popped the pill into his mouth and swallowed it dry.

He took it!

Is that how you take Bull Strength Pill?

Truly, ignorance is fearless. Just wait for the embarrassment.

“You all better stay away from him; I can’t guarantee what might happen next,” Gu Chen warned timely.

Hearing the hidden danger in his words, Chen Xingxian and Yan Anbang didn’t hesitate and quickly stepped back to a safe distance.

After thinking, they still felt uneasy and retreated behind Gu Chen, warily eyeing Feng Shaogang.

Only Feng Ming didn’t move.


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